Nick 'LuvServed' Daily
LuvServedDaily is the commitment to a person developing to their fullest capacity. - Inspired by bell hooks
LuvServedDaily Consulting is a consulting firm that provides training, workshops, coaching, leadership, assessment, and evaluation services for colleges, corporations, community organizations, churches, and more. LuvServedDaily is the commitment to a person (or organization) developing to their fullest capacity.
We operate with the belief that love is at the core and that elevating the dignity and humanity of all is essential to the work that we do. We are a collective of individuals highly skilled in organizational change management, anti-racist and equity-minded leadership, and DEI capacity building.
Throughout life and career, Nick Daily, Founder & CEO, carries this philosophy throughout the style and content of the diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging workshops and training we provide to organizations throughout the country.
Custom Virtual and  In-person Workshops
People in all organizations today have needs as diverse as their individual and social identities. Between adjusting to contemporary language and upholding organizational values, the last thing community members need is to experience marginalization, aggressions, and dehumanization. Our professional development; workplace engagement; and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging consultation and training work to restore the humanity of all through authentic engagement, intentional personal reflection, skill development, and action planning.
Our workshops prioritize participant engagement and contributions. After a combination of activities, prompts, and discussions, each workshop is then assessed to determine participant growth and workshop effectiveness.
Below are some of the most requested workshops from LuvServedDaily.
Have different learning outcomes or topics in mind? No problem!

Introductory Level Sessions
Most Requested
The Bystander Imperative Series
"The Joy of Considering What Can Be..."
Practicing Equity & Accountability as a Supervisor
Orientation & Summer Bridge Sessions
​Living our Values of Social Justice
Multiple Dimensions of Self and Community​
Not Getting It: Building, Practicing and Fostering Vulnerability
Sexual Harassment and Violence Policies in Spirit & Practice
Other Engagement Topics
Stereotype Threat, Imposter Syndrome, and Class Privilege & Oppression
Inclusion in Social Justice Communities
Anti-Blackness in the AAPI Community
The Impact of Digital Blackface on Belonging

Professional Development
Management and Executive Level Trainings
​Practicing Equity and Accountability as a Supervisor/Manager
Creating Inclusive Communities in the Workplace
Staff and Faculty Trainings​
Social Justice and Burnout
Trans Inclusion in the Classroom
Black Student Inclusion in the Classroom
Creating Equitable and Anti-Racist Classrooms
Anti-Bias in Hiring Practices

Schedule a Chat
Contact us and find how our services can benefit your organization.
"Love is an act of courage, not of fear, love is a commitment to others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is commitment to their cause - the cause of liberation." - Paulo Freire
I'd like to share my experience with you:
What a keen and strategic and natural ability to navigate hard conversations!
I felt seen, heard, valued, respected, and encouraged.
Superb music choices. Thanks for bringing hip hop/rap/B music into a professional setting, often not culturally supported or respected (in my experience).
The session summaries were direct without being accusatory and I appreciate that! Helps not add conflict to conflict.
Thanks for holding space for me when I needed one-on-one.
A. - Coaching Client
"Nick's workshop was an incredible learning opportunity. They made me feel seen, heard, and appreciated. I would absolutely attend another workshop led by Nick Daily!"
"Before the training, I was a little nervous about sharing with the group, but he made everyone feel very comfortable, and was really engaging to listen to. I enjoyed all the interactive activities!"
"...your energy is beautiful... Being in your presence is like being gently warmed by the sun." - Debby
Anonymous Participants
(Nick provided a) wonderful, thought provoking and action provoking training. Nick took the time to deliver the workshop with such intelligence, grace, humor and conviction - so that we could all engage in the material and learn.
Robin - Training Director at a small private institution
Nick’s visit included three tailored engagements to fit our campus climate developed through pre-visit needs assessment. Nick’s approach is refreshingly honest, vulnerable, inviting, and funny. I wouldn’t hesitate to bring Nick back to campus to help guide us in deepening our commitment to equity and inclusion!
Katie -Â Associate Director of Multicultural Affairs at a mid-sized public institution
"This was the best workshop I've been to all year. Nick is a really talented facilitator, and I am definitely going to look at hiring them for future workshops."
"The Bystander Imperative: Moving Beyond Midwest Nice was a really engaging, personal, and informative experience. I definitely wish that we could have hosted him in person!"
Anonymous Participants
Nick led a great discussion in our queer seminar. Nick's emphasis on helping students preserve their spirit and optimism was most welcome. Nick's workshop in our community meeting was really terrific, especially since folks who rarely say a word participated fully.